With a team of over 50, PSC’s event and festival management service can keep your function clean and organized for up to 100,000 attendees. PSC can provide 3-stream trash removal (waste, recycling, and compostables), event safety ambassadors, street barricade setup and removal, parking signs placement, and cleanup before, during, and after the event.
Peralta Service Corporation provides event and festival management services for farmers markets, sporting events, and celebrations throughout the East Bay in Oakland, Hayward, San Leandro, Alameda, Castro Valley, Berkeley and Emeryville.
Past Events
Oakland Roots Soccer Games
Peralta Service Corporation manages posting and removing “No Parking” signage on nearby streets for each game. PSC also manages 3-stream waste disposal areas that are monitored throughout the game. After each game, waste is bagged and hauled to designated dumpsters and any litter that is left behind is cleaned up, leaving the area better than it was before the event.
Dia De Los Muertos Festival
Prior to the festival, Peralta Service Corporation coordinates with the City of Oakland and Waste Management to obtain street cleaning tools, garbage bags, cones, and barricades to block off the streets and set up waste disposal systems. PSC also coordinates street sweeping before and after the festival occurs. During the festival, PSC provides staff to ensure proper waste disposal and removal as needed. PSC also provides multiple SNAP Ambassadors during the event to patrol barricaded areas, control traffic near and around barricades, greet and provide information to visitors, and address any urgent matters. After the festival is complete, PSC staff clean up any remaining waste and litter throughout the streets.
Liberation Park Farmers Market
Every Sunday, Peralta Service Corporation provides staff to maintain restrooms, clean up any litter during and after the event, wipe down event tables, break down and dispose of cardboard, and move dumpsters to the curb after the event. PSC removes any additional waste that cannot fit into designated dumpsters and takes it to Waste Management for disposal as needed.
Centro Legal de la Raza Community Event
For this event, Peralta Service sets up, monitors and manages the 3-stream waste systems to ensure proper waste disposal. After the event, PSC bags and hauls away
waste and litter.
Alameda County Events (San Leandro Cherry Festival, San Leandro Sausage and Suds Music
Festival, Alameda Classic Car Show, Alameda Spring Festival)
For this event, Peralta Service sets up, monitors and manages the 3-stream waste systems to ensure proper waste disposal. After the event, PSC bags and hauls away
waste and litter.
About Peralta Service Corporation
Peralta Service Corporation provides a variety of services in the San Francisco Bay Area. We have over 30 years of experience keeping neighborhoods safe and clean while providing living wage employment to community members. Our service area includes Oakland, San Francisco, Hayward, San Leandro, Alameda, Castro Valley, Berkeley and Emeryville. Read More »