Social Impact

We believe everyone deserves a second chance.

For over a decade, The Unity Council’s groundbreaking social enterprise has provided jobs for more than 50 people with multiple barriers to employment, every year. PSC serves adults who are currently or formerly justice system-involved individuals. We employ adults with barriers to employment to keep our community safe, clean, and vibrant.

We provide a work-based learning environment and workforce development training program for employees to gain the necessary job readiness skills to integrate into a traditional workplace with higher pay to lift themselves out of poverty.

PSC employees are trained in public space maintenance, custodial services, and neighborhood safety. Because The Unity Council offers multiple economic and social development programs, Peralta Service employees are often connected to other workforce development, financial capability, or public benefit programs.

PSC is Transitional Employment

We assist individuals in preparing for a permanent job. This preparation is intended to advance the individual’s skills and job readiness. It is used to train and prepare those with employment barriers, developmental disabilities, or life-changing injuries for integration into a conventional workplace. Displaced workers and reentry job seekers can also benefit from our program.

Benefits of Transitional Employment:

  1. Higher pay scale
  2. Full range of benefits
  3. Parents become role models for children, which gives them a sense of a future pathway in the work world – Parents that advance in the workplace can have a direct impact on their family and children by increasing their sense of value and wanting a job at a higher level
  4. Starts to increase the employee’s sense of value
  5. Employees will gain the essential skills to advance in their profession